<body> Lost In Beauty-
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...Beauty ProDucts


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  • March 2008
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  • July 2008


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    ...Lost in beauty

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

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    Friday, July 4, 2008

    Pasir Ris Secondary School
    390 Tampines St 21
    Singapore 529400

    3 July 2008

    Mr Mah Bow Tan
    Minister of National Development
    Member of Tampines GRC

    Dear Mr Mah


    I am a student from Pasir Ris Secondary School. The purpose of writing this letter to you is to notify you feedbacks and suggestions about the playgrounds in the neighbourhood in Tampines to improve them. I strongly felt that the playgrounds in the Tampines district area should be equipped with enhanced and advanced facilities to cater to the residents’ requirements.

    Recently, we did a project based on playgrounds.For our project, we were supposed to design a playground for the children with emotional scars. Before doing any other thing, we did a research on these children first; we did research on what causes children to have emotional scars, the special needs of these children and the ways we can help them when designing the playground. Through our research, we found out that a child who suffer from emotional scars is due to the abuse he or she had which emotionally affected him or her. Emotional abuse is defined as the systematic "tearing down" of another human being. It attacks the child's psyche & self-concept, the victim would come to the point where he or she sees themselves as unworthy of love & affection. For these children, they will really need as much care and love they can receive, the sense of security and also to be taught with values. Towards these needs, we design a colourful, close to nature and fairytale-liked structures of the playground to let them feel the warm of Mother Nature which can replace the love that they missed. Not only that we also design a corner within the playground where they can learn their values and this serves the playground as a outdoor classroom.

    During the project, we visited some of the playgrounds in Tampines and we found out some common between the playgrounds. The playground in Tampines, in my opinion, was actually quite original and plain, nothing impressive to attract the children’s attention and we had also neglected the children with emotional scars. In my opinion, the playground should be colourful, fun-loving and attractive, this environment’s main objective should be making the children forget their sorrows and relax and enjoy themselves. This specially designed playground should be effective in healing their emotional scars and eventually aid them in many different ways. The playground should also consist of special facilities, such as unusual spiral slides or rides.

    Though it spends a lot of money on designation, it is all worth while when you see the smiles on the children’s’ faces. I hope that you will take my suggestions into consideration and that my feedbacks have help in designing the best playground for the children in Tampines. Thank you.

    Yours Faithfully
    Neo Jie Min from 2E6

    the beauty exposed ;

    Pasir Ris Secondary School
    390 Tampines St 21
    Singapore 529400

    3 July 2008

    Ministry of National Development
    Member of Tampines GRC


    I am Sherry, a student from Pasir Ris Secondary School. The purpose of writing this letter to you is to notify you feedbacks and suggestions about the playgrounds in the neighbourhood in Tampines to improve them. I strongly felt that the playgrounds in the Tampines district area should be equipped with enhanced and advanced facilities to cater to the residents’ requirements.

    My SA1 literature project is about the designation of a 3D model playground and a blog, which each group has to make a choice on a group of children who require special attention, care and concern. My group members had decided on doing research about children that are emotionally abused. My group members’ researches have revealed that
    emotional abuse, which is 8% of substantiated cases of children abuse, is commonly defined as the systematic tearing down of another human being. It is considered a pattern of behaviour that can seriously interfere with a child's positive development, emotional abuse is probably the least understood of all child abuse, yet it is the most prevalent, & can be the cruelest and most destructive of all types of child abuse. These children needed to be cared for, so as to assist them to recover from their emotional scars.

    The playground in Tampines, in my opinion, was actually quite original and plain, nothing impressive to attract the children’s attention. If our playground is designed for emotionally handicapped children, the playground should be colourful, fun-loving and attractive, this environment’s main objective should be making the children forget their sorrows and relax and enjoy themselves. This specially designed playground should be effective in healing their emotional scars and eventually aid them in many different ways. The playground should also consist of special facilities, such as unusual spiral slides or rides. Though it spends a lot of money on designation, it is all worth while when you see the smiles on the children’s’ faces. I hope that you will take my suggestions into consideration and I look forward to your reply. Thank You.

    Yours truly
    Sherry Chua Jia Zhen from 2E6

    the beauty exposed ;

    Pasir Ris Secondary School
    Tampines Street 21
    Singapore 529400

    3 July 2008

    Mr. Mah Bow Tan
    Ministry of National Develpoment
    Member of the Tampines GRC

    Dear Mr. Mah


    I am a student from Pasir Ris Secondary School. Recently, we did a project based on playgrounds so I am writing this letter to tell you the findings of my project and some of the feedbacks we have for the playgrounds in Tampines.

    For our project, we were supposed to design a playground for the children with emotional scars. Before doing any other thing, we did a research on these children first; we did research on what causes children to have emotional scars, the special needs of these children and the ways we can help them when designing the playground. Through our research, we found out that a child who suffer from emotional scars is due to the abuse he or she had which emotionally affected him or her. Emotional abuse is defined as the systematic "tearing down" of another human being. It attacks the child's psyche & self-concept, the victim would come to the point where he or she sees themselves as unworthy of love & affection. For these children, they will really need as much care and love they can receive, the sense of security and also to be taught with values. Towards these needs, we design a colourful, close to nature and fairytale-liked structures of the playground to let them feel the warm of Mother Nature which can replace the love that they missed. Not only that we also design a corner within the playground where they can learn their values and this serves the playground as a outdoor classroom.

    During the project, we visited some of the playgrounds in Tampines and we found out some common between the playgrounds. Currently, the design of the playgrounds are very similar; a slide, shelter where children climb up to have a view of the whole playground and some with swings. In my opinion, I find the playgrounds not attractive enough to let every children see it and want to go and the playgrounds also did not suit the needs of children with emotional scars. To improve the playgrounds, I think the playgrounds should have much special features such as irregular shape of a spiral slide or a castle-liked shelter for them to play in.

    Even though it maybe very costly to rebuild these playground, I think that it is worth it as if you can see alot of children at the playground enjoying themselves and are playing as happy as a lark. It will be very touched to see them so happy. I hope that my feedbacks have help in designing the best playground for the children in Tampines. Thank you.

    Yours Faithfully
    Neo Jie Min, a student of Pasir Ris Secondary School

    the beauty exposed ;

    Pasir Ris Secondary School
    390 Tampines St 21
    Singapore 529400

    3 July 2008

    Mr Mah Bow Tan
    Minister of National Development
    Member of Tampines GRC

    Dear Mr Mah


    I am writing to inform you about the playground in Tampines. The playground was dazzling at firstsight but it is safe for children, especially for the handicapped children. However now, the playground is an eye-sore. The facilities at the playground are a safety-hazzard. Recently, I witnessed that the swing were broken. The residents in Tampines are worried about their children playing in the playground.

    My school SA1 project is about making a 3D playground for the mentally-abused children. This project led me to ponder about the playground in my neighbourhood. Due to this, I surveyed the playground carefully. The children who are usually at the playground most often hurt themselves. Sometimes, I can also witness a few children fight each other at times at the playground and there are clearly no supervision.

    The playground is even dangerous to the children who are careful. The facilities there are very decrepit and may give-way at any moment. As the paents are busy with their work. A few children, particularly, the mentally-abused can hurt themselves or attack others around them. Since the ground is not covered with sand, the children easily hurt themselves when they fall down.

    To improve our playground, the environment of the playground should be peaceful and safe. The environment also affects the children. The mentally-abused children shoud not injure themselves and doing dangerous things. The design of the playground should be colourful and captivating. It will attract children and they will feel more comfortable in the playground. To protect the mentally-abused children, we can have a few people in supervising at the playground. The most important things are to make the facilities user friendly, strongly and safe.

    I conclude by expressing my heart-felt request that the issue would be looked into. Over the years, National development in Singapore has seen tremendous improvement. I do believe that these mentally-abused children deserve a welcoming environment.

    Yours faithfully
    Kim Sohyeon, a student of Pasir Ris Secondary School

    the beauty exposed ;

    Wednesday, July 2, 2008

    Pasir Ris Secondary School
    390 Tampines St 21
    Singapore 529400

    3 July 2008

    Mr Mah Bow Tan
    Ministry of National Development
    Member of Tampines GRC

    Dear Mr. Mah


    I am Yu Haotian from 2E6 of Pasir Ris Secondary School.The purpose of this form is to feedback about the playgrounds in the tampines area.

    Our school has just done a project on playgrounds for the disabled children, and I feel that we have neglected the children with some physical disabilities. The children with these disabilities could not enjoy the facilities that we normal children could, and I feel that they have the right to enjoy their lives just like normal school kids. I would suggest that we could put the ideas of our recent project on the disabled project into our tampines playground, and make the playground more exciting, and enjoyable for all sorts of children.

    Each time I see these disabled kids looking enviously as some kids were running around the playground enjoying themselves, I would always feel a sense of sadness for them. Having seen the disappointed look in their faces would make me feel more uneasy.

    I hope that you can re-design the playgrounds to suit the needs for all and let everyone enjoy their childhood days.

    Thank you for your kind attention. I hope you can consider my suggestions and approve them. I look forward to your formidable reply.

    Yours Faithfully
    Yu haotian from 2E6

    the beauty exposed ;

    Pasir Ris Secondary School
    390 Tampines St 21
    Singapore 529400

    3 July 2008

    Mr Mah Bow Tan
    Ministry of National Development
    Member of Tampines GRC

    Dear Mr Mah


    My name is Amirah from Pasir Ris Secondary School. I am in the class of 2E6. I am writing to you to provide some feedback about the playgrounds in Tampines. I hope you will consider my suggestions in improving in the playgrounds around the Tampines area.

    The reason for me suggesting this is because I would like to see children of all backgrounds being able to play happily in these playgrounds. I have done a literature project that allows us to design a playground for children with special needs. Each group was given a specific type of special needs children to work on. My group was doing about children with emotional scars. We have design a playground that I feel, is very suitable for them. We had a cheery theme in the playground with colorful structures and features that will make them feel happier and more comfortable. We had in place some counselors to help the children get over with their past and move on to the future.

    To me we have to treat children with emotional needs as I fear they will grow up to have low self-esteem, depression or may show aggressive behavior. Thus, I hope you will consider these suggestions. Playgrounds should be made with colorful rides and features. In my playground, we had a leaf of value that will hopefully teach the children about values. I feel that this should be implemented in every playground. It does not need to be as a tree. It can be as a fun game in the playground. The playgrounds in Tampines, I feel, have lacked these qualities. We need to create more fun rides and the playground should not be boring to have a few rides. Having more rides will not let the children to be bored with the existing rides as they will be able to have a variety of rides to choose from.

    I feel that we should care about this issue of children with emotional scars. There are so many children who are suffering from this even though we do not see many. I hope the playgrounds in Tampines would be able facilitate the needs of these special children. I feel that these children should not be left out even though they have a disability or a terrible childhood. These children should be able to live a normal live as a child. For that please consider these suggestions and make changes if necessary. Thank you.

    Yours Faithfully
    Amirah binte Ismail, student of Pasir Ris Secondary School

    the beauty exposed ;