<body> Lost In Beauty-
...she's Beautiful

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and other blah blahs.

...Beauty ProDucts


...Other beauties



  • March 2008
  • April 2008
  • May 2008
  • July 2008


    insert tagboard here

    ...Lost in beauty

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Monday, May 5, 2008

    The parts of the model playground :D

    the beauty exposed ;

    The parts of the model playground :D

    the beauty exposed ;

    The Final sketch :D

    the beauty exposed ;

    Saturday, May 3, 2008

    Hao Tian's Reflection

    Our literature group has finished our project on the playground for the special needs. I feel that our playground is quite eco-friendly as it is built using the items that are either recycled or reused. Our playground is built among trees and grasses, there is also a bridge on our playground which is closely similar to the one in the novel. The playground also has a swing attached to the tree alike to the novel's discription too.

    Our playground is designed fot the emotionally handicapped children, so we decided to protect the children by having some people around the playground to help prevent the children from dong anything foolish . Our environment is also very calming, providing them with a relaxing and soothing effect on them.

    The playground has also been designed in a colourful and attractive way, fun-loving for the emotionally abused children. Having this enivronmnt's main objective is to make the children forget about their sorrows and enjoy themselves in the playground.

    I feel that the playground specially designed for the emotionally abused children have facilities and the right environment to benefit them, enjoyment and leaving their past behind and start afresh. The children can also take the opportunity to make new friends there at the playground changing the perspective of the environment. This might eventually aid them in their medical condition.

    the beauty exposed ;