<body> Lost In Beauty-
...she's Beautiful

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and other blah blahs.

...Beauty ProDucts


...Other beauties



  • March 2008
  • April 2008
  • May 2008
  • July 2008


    insert tagboard here

    ...Lost in beauty

    layout design, coding,  photo-editing,

    by ice angel

    Brushes- 1| 2

    Sunday, April 27, 2008

    Metals should be painted, galvanized, or othewise to prevent rust. All paints and other similar finishes must meet the current CPSC regulation for lead in paint(0.06%[600ppm]maximum lead by dry weight.

    Wood should either be naturally rot and insect-resistance or treated to avoid such as deterioration. The most common wood treatments use in playground equipment are the inorganic arsenicals.

    3 Ride-on monster
    -Rotomoded plastic body with spring, hardware and instructions. '14
    x 15' use zoone $400 each.

    4 swing -plastic tire
    -low-maintainance high fun comes to tire swings with this tough rotomoded design. Molded in eyes with bushings. $140 each.

    4 soft grip coated half length $18 each. Total $72

    1 extended/curve fun tube with 2 face entrances $1400

    2 pyramid roof-$600 in total

    2 bubble window panel-$400 each, total $800

    1 challenge bridge-$1500

    1 merry-go-round-$1550

    1 sprical tube slide 60' 24' $ 2400 each.

    the beauty exposed ;

    Saturday, April 26, 2008

    the beauty exposed ;

    Thursday, April 24, 2008

    Jiemin's reflection

    My literature mid year project is about the novel, "Bridge to Terabithia." The playground is actually made for special groups of children. My group chose to do about abused children and children with emotional scras. The project was quite tiring as we had to build a model and do a blog. I hope we will get high marks for it...

    I believe that our model is very eco-friendly as we recycled most things. It could be the most eco-friendly model in the whole class. We used cardboards that were thrown away from shops. We also used plastic bottles as plastic bottles cannot be used for too long. Thus, we reused it to represent plastic in our model. We resused white sponge as the grass of the playground. It actually came from me as my mother wanted to throw it away. So, i reused it. My group also used unwanted paper rolls for the buildings.

    There were a few things from the 3-D model that were linked to the novel. The bridge in the model is linked to the bridge in the model that connects the land of Terabithia and reality. There is also a tree with a rope just like the one that Jesse and Leslie used to go to the magical kingdom in the novel. The castle in the playground is also inspired by the castle in the novel. The goldish colour used in the playground was also inspired from the golden colour that was painted in Leslie in the novel. The monsters in the novel are also linked to the rides in the playground.

    Since we are doing this for the children with special needs, the playground must be spacially designed for them. We used attractive colours to make them feel happy and welcomed. There is also a tree of value to teach the children about values. We have conuselors on duty to help them be able to trust people again and to make sure the children are safe. There will also be a fence to make them have a sense of security in the playground.

    I hope that my group does well in this project as I feel we have put in a lot of effort in doing this project, especially making the model.

    the beauty exposed ;

    Sherry's Reflection:

    Our 3D model playground consists many items that are eco-friendly. The castle had been created from ice cream styrofoam boxes, recycling plastic box, old cardboards and toilet paper rolls. The merry-go-round is made of compact disc and used bubble tea straws. The rocking seats made from used cardboard pieces and small springs from pens. The grass surface made of sponge coloured in green spray paints. Decorative items such as coloured stones, rainbow fences were either handmade or bought as collections.

    The colours of the playground are attractive, rainbow colours can have a positive effect on children with emotional scars, which many of them prefer emo colours like black and white. The tree of values could teach them to be positive, and there are always hope and more things awaiting ahead, their future.

    Our playground is close to nature, for example, swings hanging from the tree and we built our playground on grass. The pond with fishes and turtles can help the children to interact with animals. There is a case in America, there was a bad girl who had emotional scars just like the children who we are making the playground for. After she interacted with animals, turned over a new leaf. With the animals in the playground, we hope that the children would be like the girl, will forget about their emotional scars. Why we want our playground to be close to nature is also because it makes people feel relax and we know that nature is harmless so the children would feel safe and play at the playground.

    the beauty exposed ;

    Sohyeon's Reflection

    The playground is designed to help the children with the special needs to relax, exercise, play and learn.

    The pond enables children to be close to nature and learn about the fishes and tortoises in the pond and the tree can provide shade and a cool atmosphere during the hot days. The swings are hanging from the tree so that the children can relate to the tree for comfort and be close to nature as written in the novel. The playground is also equipped with modern facilities such as slides, see-saw, merry-go-round and swings.

    There is balanced between the nature and modern facilities. Parallel to the novel, there are elements of nature for the playground.

    The playground is safe as well-trained, friendly and patient security guards are supervising them. The castle attract them as it makes them feel like they are well respected as kings, queens, princes, princesses. he designes are accident-proof and the quipment are durable.

    The bridge has rainbow colours and this attracts the children to the park. It makes them feel like that they are important people walking on an imaginary rainbow. This is especially calming for these children who are mentally handicapped.

    the beauty exposed ;

    Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    Amirah's Reflection:

    My literature group is doing on the special needs of abused children and children with emotional scars. I thought it would be an easy project for my group to do. It proved me wrong as it is quite hard to complete this project. We faced many challenges along the way. I hope that we will do well in this project as i had a lot of fun doing it.

    I feel that the 3D-model of my playground is eco-friendly.We reused the materials from our home. We only bought a few things such as the styrofoam and satay sticks. As for the boxes used for the castle and some of the items used for the toys, they were reused by the things that we wanted to throw away.

    There were some ideas of the playground that was linked to the novel, Bridge To Terabithia. the mini castle in the playground is linked to the castle in the novel. There is also a bridge over the pond. That is also linked to the bridge in the novel.

    I really hope that I will do well for this project as I feel my group has really worked hard for it...

    the beauty exposed ;